Call for papers
“Scenographic gestures : beyond manipulative gesture, a new way of figuring”
Dear colleagues around the world,
I hope your summer was sunny, relaxing and delicious.
In attachment, please find the call for application's document for the 2nd part of the international symposium "Gestures and processes in puppetry arts" about the question of scenography. It will be in Strasbourg University, 29th and 30th of January, 2025.
We need a proposal of 500 characters including spaces with a title, a biography of 500 characters including spaces, the axe/area in which your proposal fits, and a visibility of your budget (if your laboratory can support you financially or not, we will try to help doctoral students and precarious researchers in priority).
My colleagues and I wish you all the best at this end of summer. We look forward to hearing from you and hope to see you in Strasbourg next January.
All the best,
Oriane Maubert, Marie Garré Nicoara and Shirley Niclais
Deadline: 30.09.2024
More information about the call of papers
More information about the symposium “Scenographic gestures"